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Welcome to kanguro

Your stuff protected
Liability coverage
Peace of mind

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Why renters insurance?

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Your stuff, your home, your peace of mind…

almost there!

Moving into a new apartment is exiting! But amids the boxes and decorating, dont forget a crucial step: Protecting your belongings.
Renters insurance is the smart, affordable way to safeguard your stuff and your finance.

Lets brake down the essentials:

Peace of mind

Protects their belongings from theft, fire, water damage, and other covered events

Reduced Risk for You

Liability coverage protects renters if they cause damage to the property or injure others, minimizing your potential legal issues.

Improved Workflow

Our seamless, end-to-end digital experience, powered by Kanguro, makes offering renters insurance effortless.

Key Benefits 

Personal property coverage 

Kanguro renters insurance provides coverage for  personal belongings when unfortunate events happen, like fire, theft, or vandalism. 

What’s included? 


  • Furniture & appliances 

  • Clothing & personal items 

  • Electronics 

  • Books & other media

  • And more..


Personal liability coverage

If someone gets hurt at home or if   accidentally damage someone else’s property, Kanguro helps with several expenses. 

What’s included? 


  • Injuries to others 

  • Property damage 

  • Legal fees & court costs


Additional living expenses (ALE) included 

If something happens to your home that makes it unlivable, renters insurance helps pay for the extra costs of living somewhere else. 

What’s included? 


  • Temporary housing

  • Food 

  • Storage fees 

  • Pet boarding 

  • Laundry

  • Transporation 

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 Obtain renters insurance today and get your peace of mind.

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Meet our agents

Kanguro Seguro es una marca registrada propiedad de Kanguro Insurance LLC.

La información contenida en este sitio web es solo para fines ilustrativos y la cobertura de cualquier póliza de seguro para mascotas está expresamente sujeta a las condiciones, restricciones, limitaciones, exclusiones (incluidas las condiciones preexistentes) y los términos de la documentación de la póliza emitida por la aseguradora. La cobertura está sujeta a suscripción y aprobación, y es posible que no esté disponible para todos los riesgos o en todos los estados. Las tarifas y los descuentos varían, están determinados por muchos factores y están sujetos a cambios. Las coberturas de accidentes y enfermedades de Perro Bueno y Gato Sano y el plan preventivo y de bienestar son administrados por Kanguro Insurance LLC como agente general administrador con oficinas en 120 SW 8th St. Miami, FL, 33130 y suscrito por Cimarron Insurance Company con oficinas en 7301 Carmel Parque Ejecutivo Dr. #102, Charlotte, NC 28226.

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